AC Blowing 70 Degree Air! (Reasons & Solutions)

By - Ron Singh

Updated -

Air conditioning is one of the greatest inventions of this century, it is essential, and so far, there are no signs that it will ever outlive its usefulness, as you can see in almost every modern home. 

Except for financial constraints, many people include two or more air conditioners in their home just for the comfort it offers. In addition, and most importantly, you can regulate it to your desired temperature.

Your AC blows 70-degree air because of a couple of factors; weather changes or a fault in the air conditioner. Your AC blowing up to 70 degrees could mean the weather is above 70 degrees, which is common in summer. While other factors like low refrigerant and blocked filters can make your air conditioner blow hot air.

Why Is My AC Blowing 70 Degree Air?

AC Blowing 70 Degree Air

There are different reasons why your AC is blowing 70-degree Air, and depending on the situation, you can’t rule it to be normal or abnormal.

For one, under normal weather conditions, if your AC is blowing up to 70-degree Air, it could be overheating or a clogged-up outdoor unit. But it’s normal to have your AC blowing 70-degree Air during summer.

The working of an AC relies on the outside temperature. When your AC is blowing Air hotter than your home’s temperature, it is overheating.

And there could be a couple of reasons why your AC is overheating, some of which are listed below;

#1. Damaged Fins

Fins are the thin Aluminum sheets on the compressor in the external unit of your AC.

They allow the compressor to push out the heat extracted from the inside of your home into the surrounding. It also allows fresh Air from the outside environment to cool the compressor. 

When the fins crumble severely, they block the passage of either heat or Air and trap all the heat. Since heat doesn’t leave the air conditioner, the heat is then sent back into your home.

#2. Clogged Compressor

A clogged compressor affects the air conditioner in the same way damaged fins do. A lot of debris and other grass chipping find their way into the cells of the fins and block the Air from passing through. 

That is why it is advisable to always check the state of your air conditioner fins and compressors from time to time because even when the fins are wrong, the AC will continue to work until it overheats.

The season is another reason your AC is blowing 70-degree Air besides overheating.

Different seasons come with different temperatures, from extreme cold during the winter and hot during summer. So each season can affect the temperature of the Air your AC is blowing. 

During winter, when it is much colder, putting your AC on could be disastrous because it’ll blow cold Air colder than the outside temperature. This is why people don’t use AC during winter but use heaters.

In summer, when the heat is more, the Air coming from your AC tends to be hotter than when compared other seasons like spring.

During summer, the difference between the Air going in to cool the compressor and the Air the AC is cooling is small, and therefore, it relies on the cooling fan for cooling.

Is it Okay for My AC to Blow 70 Degree Air?

Your AC blowing 70-degree Air can be considered okay or not okay based on the situation you find yourself in.

For example, summer is usually hot; therefore, the Air your AC absorbs is hot. It means it will take twice the amount of energy to cool the Air as it takes to cool during winter or spring.

So, if your AC is not overheating and it is not the winter season but summer, it may not be a problem if it is blowing up to 70-degree Air.

The AC works in such a way that it draws hot Air from your home, cools it with the blowing fan, and sends it back into the house area while pushing out the heat through the compressor in the outdoor unit. 

So basically, it refines the hot Air in the surroundings, and since summer air is usually hotter than other seasons, it takes more power to refine this hot Air, cool it, and send it back.

That is, for your air conditioner to blow 70 degrees of Air during summer, it is doing a lot, and as such, we cannot say the air temperature is too high. 

The issue with running the AC at 70 degrees during summer is usually about the cost it takes because a bit of change in the temperature will affect your utility bills.

So, having the AC run at a lower temperature than 70 degrees means a skyrocketing light bill. 

Because as significant as the AC is, it is also quite expensive to run because out of the many electronics in your home, you’d realize that it consumes more power. 

Depending on the situation and what you want, it could be good or bad when your air conditioner is blowing 70-degree Air.

So until you’ve considered the factors that can make your AC blow 70-degree Air, you can’t state if it is okay or not.

How Cold Should Air Be Coming From AC?

If your air conditioner is in excellent working condition, there should be a significant temperature.

For example, suppose the compressor and evaporator coils work correctly, and the fins open.

In that case, your AC should be blowing Air with a temperature difference of several degrees less than the temperature in your home. 

However, we can agree that the temperature in the home is not always constant; with the AC blowing steadily, the room temperature changes.

Therefore, the temperature of your room when you just turned on the air conditioner differs from the temperature of running the AC, so there cannot be a uniform difference in both instances.

The starting temperature of your AC is about 20 degrees less than the temperature in your home. 

So, for example, if your room temperature is about 70 degrees, the Air coming out of your air conditioner should be about 50 degrees.

This is considered the highest temperature, usually between 16°F and 22°F, but it doesn’t mean you cannot adjust it to blow hotter Air.

#1. Starting Temperature

The Air from your AC saturates the room, and the heat becomes significantly less than when you first put it on. At this point, the difference between the Air going into the air conditioner and the 

Air it is blowing is not up to 20 degrees, and since it is not the same starting temperature, you can’t expect the difference to be much. Usually, the Air is about 14°F and 18°F, which is only about 1°F lower.

#2. The Running Temperature of Your AC

The running temperature is the measure of the temperature of your room while the AC is running; at this point, the cool air saturates your home.

And the difference between the temperature of the air coming out from your air conditioner and your room’s temperature is only about a reasonable degree. Usually, reading about 10°F and 16° F.

#3. Close to Set Temperature

When the temperature of the Air coming out is close to the initial temperature set on your AC. There’s not much difference between the Air coming from your Air and the Air in your room.

These are different instances of how cold the Air from your AC can be, and because of how different each instance is, you can’t put a standard difference to determine how cold the Air from your AC is supposed to be.

Fortunately, an AC comes with a remote control which allows you to decide on what air temperature you want it to blow out.

So, if you want cold or hot Air, you can adjust it from the remote and have it at your service. 

However, the remote works within certain temperature degrees have their highest and lowest temperatures, and your desired temperature can only fall within this window.

What Is a Good AC Temperature Setting?

According to the US department of energy, 78°F is the temperature setting for moderate energy use, which can also suit your needs.

But this is more about the good of the community than your comfort; therefore, if you can afford to pay more, you can decide on what temperature setting you consider food enough.

Remotes come with an AC to allow you to decide on the temperature you want. You may consider the standard temperature recommended by the department of energy as too cold and decide to adjust it. 

You’re the one to decide on the temperature you want in your house. Suppose you want cold, warm or hot.

In that case, it depends on you; therefore, there’s no particular temperature regarded as “a good AC Temperature Setting,” but a recommended temperature will help you cut down on your utility bills.

Why Is My AC Not Blowing Out Cold Air?

If your AC is not blowing out cold Air, it could be because of the following reasons;

#1. The Refrigerant

The refrigerant is what causes the cooling of Air in the AC. It runs the entire process, and once it is low, usually because of a leak, the AC will not be able to cool the Air, and hot Air will be coming out from it.

#2. Clogged Filters

When dirt is in the filters, it blocks the aeration process between the air conditioner and your environment.

As a result, the AC risks overheating and even shutting down whenever there’s dust, dirt particles, and other things blocking the filters.

#3. Rusty Compressor or Evaporator Coil

Due to the moist Air, the compressor can become rusty and damaged and need changing. In addition, a rusty compressor inhibits the cooling of Air. 

#4. Clogged Vents

When dust blocks the vents, the AC will blow hot Air instead of the required cold Air.

#5. The Thermostat

The thermostat is like the motor of the AC that runs the entire cooling process. If you discover that your AC has an unusual delay time after being turned on, it indicates something is wrong with the thermostat.

These are common issues you’ll likely encounter whenever you notice that your air conditioner is not blowing cold air.

Fortunately, with every problem, there’s a solution that doesn’t necessarily require you to hire an expert. Fortunately,  with the right tools, you’d be able to rectify the situation without spending money.

Below are some of the solutions to every problem you may encounter;

Refrigerant ProblemsCheck for any leakages in the pipes and top up the refrigerant regularly.
Clogged FiltersReplace filters from time to time.
Rusty coilsYou can coat the coils with anti-rust paint and avoid leaving moisture in the coils.
Clogged VentsUse blowers to blow out the dust particles trapped in the vents.
Thermostat problemsContact an expert to fix the thermostat


The working of an AC is like a give-and-take situation where the temperature of Air in the house determines the temperature of Air it will blow.

During hot weather, the AC will blow out Air that is cooler than it blows on regular days. It is the reason air conditioners blow hot Air during summer.

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