Move Roomba To A New Location? (Follow The Correct Way)

By - Hs Saini

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There’s no accurate estimation of artificial intelligence to meet our daily needs. It improves with time, from our mobile phones to car sensors and robotic vacuum cleaners (Roomba).

Unlike before, when most devices used massive motherboards, many manufacturers now incorporate microchips and sensors that regulate these devices’ functioning.

A Roomba is one of such devices made to assist with domestic chores like cleaning flat surfaces, and it comes with its unique features that work together to make this a reality. 

If you move a Roomba to a new location without moving the base, it may find it difficult to locate its base. The Roomba base, which is the charging unit of the robot, is transferred to a different location. The Roomba then traces its way to the base using the registered mapping.

Can You Move Roomba Base After Mapping?

Move Roomba To a New Location

Yes, you can move your Roomba base after mapping. The location of the Roomba base is usually mapped and registered on the robot.

Once the robot finish cleaning the floor, it traces its way to recharging. However, a Roomba is an intelligent device capable of updating itself once there’s a change in the base’s location.

A Roomba comprises two parts, the Roomba or robot vacuum cleaner, and the Roomba base. Each element has a unique purpose in which it serves.

The Roomba or robot hovers around open spaces like under couches to suck up dirt from the floor. However, it doesn’t clean wet floors or thick dirt like fabrics.

So far as the base is within the same house, it will find its way back without necessarily being remapped.

Even though it is an intelligent device, it can get confused once the base is too far, may not register the new location quickly, and will require a manual update.

But if the new location is within the same room, there would be no need to remap it.

As much as a Roomba automatically updates itself whenever there’s a change in the location of its base, there are some factors to consider.

When moving the base to a new location, these factors, if overlooked, may affect the overall function of the Roomba.

Some factors to consider and their effects on the function of Roomba include:

#1. The Basic Space Rules

The required space for a Roomba base is to keep other items away with about 1.5 ft on each side and 4ft in front. This makes it easier for the Roomba to dock and locate the base.

#2. Avoiding Drop-off Points

Tip-off points where the Roomba can easily fall off should be avoided. Like the staircase or sharp edges and cliffs.

The Roomba may be smart enough to locate the base, but it cannot gradually climb down the stairs without cascading and damaging.

#3. Fluctuating Location of Base

Changing the Roomba base location while the robot is still cleaning is too much activity to process at a time.

Unfortunately, Roomba does not multitask like other smart devices (phones, computers). It can only process and carry out one instruction at a time. 

When the cleaning mode has been selected, it cannot register the new location simultaneously; therefore, it will become confused once the cleaning is completed.

#4. Base Placement 

Placing the base against the wall makes it easier for the robot to pick up the signals and locate them.

Just like giving the required space, setting the base against the wall helps to make docking easier.

Move Roomba Base to A New Location

You may have to move your Roomba base from time to time for obvious reasons of broader coverage.

Even though the robot can update to a new location whenever the base has been moved, it may consider doing it manually to avoid complications.

Changing the Roomba base location is often easier than letting it get confused with updating itself with new locations.

For instance, you may have to change the Roomba base location from the sitting room to the kitchen to shorten the proximity.

Understanding why changing the Roomba base location is critical brings us to how it can be done quickly.

In a few simple steps, the Roomba base location can be changed without needing to reset the mapping manually.

  • Only change the Roomba base station when the robot is not in use.
  • Choose a good spot that meets the basic space rules of the new location.
  • Unplug the Roomba base from the socket
  • You may want to clean the charging port, but this is optional.
  • If the new location is far from the former location, manually reset the mapping on the Roomba.

Can I Move Roomba i3 Home Base?

Yes, you can move the Roomba i3 home Base to a new location. Not just the i3 but all the Roomba “i” ranging from 3 to 7 and above have inbuilt sensors that quickly pick up the Roomba base location with the help of the mapping configured in the system.

Although it is an older device version, it may not have some features the recently updated versions come with.

However, from inception and based on the manufacturer’s model, a Roomba is designed to be able to locate its base once the mapping has been configured on it.

Move Roomba to a New Location, Then Press Clean to Restart

In some cases, after changing the Roomba base station, you may encounter some errors which arise from changing the Roomba base station. 

These errors have already been configured on the system, and each has its codes and what they represent.

When you get the notification from your robot telling you to move Roomba to a new location and press clean to restart, you’ve been notified of error 1.

Apart from this common error, there are other errors you can get when using a Roomba.

Below is a chart of some common errors, their interpretation, and solutions.

Error 1(Move Roomba to a new location, then press clean to restart)There is an obstacle in front of the robot or stiff wheels.Move the Roomba to an open space within the same location and check for any obstacles in front of the robot which may be closer than the required distance. Or run a quick check on the wheels by. Manually spin the wheels a couple of times to free them up from any entanglement
Error 2(Open Roomba’s extractor frame and clean the extractor)This means the extractors are probably congested or stuffed with debris and cannot function properlyPlease take out the extractors and clean them, then reinstall. Again, you’ll likely encounter more of this error than error 1.
Error 5(Spin Roomba’s side wheels to clean)This means that the side wheels are too stiff to move. Either because they’re stuffed with dirt or something alike.Manually spin the wheels and check for any fabric that may have gotten into the wheels.
Error 6(Move Roomba to a new location, then press clean to restart)This means that Roomba might have found itself on a cliff during cleaning and has no way to proceed.Although this sounds similar to error, it is different. While the error is usually associated with dealing with obstacles, error six is associated with cliffs.
Error 7( Spin Roomba’s side wheels to clean)At least one side wheel is stuck.Repeat the same process for error 5.
Error 9(Tap Roomba’s bumper to clean)This is a notification that the sensor is dirty and needs cleaning.Check and clean the bumper.
Error 10(Spin Roomba’s side wheels to clean)The side wheels are stuck.Either the side wheels have become stiff due to some foreign materials getting stuck in them, or the sensors are having difficulty picking up the location. Check both the bumper and the side wheels.
Error one-eight(Roomba cannot return to home base)This error will likely come up whenever there’s a change in the Roomba base station. It means that the sensors cannot pick up the signals well.Return the base to the initial location or reconfigure the mapping.
“Please Charge Roomba”Low BatteryConnect the base to a power source and recharge Roomba.

Move Roomba s9+ Base to a New Location

All versions of Roomba have a different home base which is usually plugged into a power source and can be moved to other locations.

The older versions, like the i-series down to the recent s-series, all operate on the same working principles, although with different features.

The Roomba s9+ is currently the leading version of the device series, and just like other series, it can also be moved to new locations.

But unlike other series, it has a self-disposing configuration, so you don’t have to take out the trash immediately after cleaning. 


The Roomba device may have different series with varying functions, but they all have a joint function: clean open spaces in the home.

All the versions come with a base separate from the vacuum cleaner, which serves as the docking station and charger. Overall, just like our phones, Roomba is fast becoming part of our daily lives.

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