Samsung Dryer Moisture Sensor Test? (Here Is How To Do It)

By - Hs Saini

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Your dryer needs to know when to work and when not to prevent wastage of power.

A dryer moisture sensor is the component of your dryer designed to understand your clothes’ temperature.

It’s in the dryer to determine whether the dryer needs to keep drying your clothes or if the clothes are thoroughly dried. 

So, this component tests your clothes to know whether there is still moisture in them; this allows you to see the extent to which your clothes have dried.

A Samsung dryer moisture sensor test is required to determine if your Samsung moisture sensor is functioning correctly or not. This is needed to deduce when your clothing is dried to end the drying cycle without using a timer. When a drying sensor is not working well, clothing won’t get dried, and the dryer won’t stop working. 

How To Check Dryer Moisture Sensors?

Checking a dryer’s moisture is crucial before concluding that it needs to be repaired or changed.

To inspect a dryer moisture sensor, you need to run it through a wet and dry setting moisture test.

Therefore, a dryer passing this test means that it’s working correctly and when otherwise, it means that it’s not functioning well. 

Below is the breakdown of how to check your dryer moisture sensor.

#1. The Dry Test

  • Begin by placing a few pieces of thoroughly dried clothes in the dryer. This is because when the dryer is in the dry moisture setting with dried garments in it, it only works for a while before shutting off.
  • Therefore, a dryer test passing this test will let you know whether it’s working well or not.
  • Afterward, you also need to carry out an opposite temperature test.

#2. The Wet Test

  • Put some slightly wet clothes in the dryer and observe.
  • The dryer needs to run till the wet clothes are dried To check a setting moisture sensor of a dryer with damp clothes.
  • Therefore, if it works for more than 5 minutes and doesn’t stop working until the clothes are dried, it’s passed the wet test.

Meanwhile, a Samsung moisture sensor only entirely passed the test if it can meet the requirements of both tests.

Therefore, passing both tests means it is working well, and the sensor detects moisture as needed.

But, if the dryer moisture sensor doesn’t pass both tests or only partially passes the test, it needs to be fixed or replaced with a new one. 

How Do I Run A Diagnostic Test On My Samsung Dryer?

You can run a diagnostic test on your dryer by simply switching it on while maintaining its internal temperature.

Then you need to empty the dryer’s drum and press specific keys like cycle 1+Wrinkle prevent keys.

You should do this for 5 seconds until some list of result keys are displayed on the dryers screen.

A diagnostic test, also known as the vent blockage test, is required to detect the operational status of the dryer.

It is needed to ascertain if your dryer is free from any problem or tube blockage.

Also, it helps to quickly determine the dryer issue so that you can repair it quickly before the situation worsens.

Meanwhile, even if your dryer and its setting moisture sensor are free from any problem and pass the tests.

They still need to be cleaned regularly. Also, diagnostic tests need to run immediately after installing a dryer and at regular intervals.

The time intervals should be between annually or every six months.

Below are the processes required to run a vent blockage test on your Samsung dryer:

  1. Before starting any test, ensure that the dryer is empty, clean, and has an average room temperature (68°F).
  2. Switch on the dryer and after 5 seconds, press and hold the adjust time up+ dry level keys simultaneously until In5 or In shows up on the screen.

Alternatively, you can press the Cycle1+Wrinkle to prevent, or the Air Fluff + Wrinkle prevent keys.

  1. Afterward, place your finger on the start/pause button and hold it to begin the diagnostic test, which will occur in 2 minutes or slightly more. You must not open the drum at this point because that would give you the wrong results.
  2. After the test is complete, you’d see the results on the dryers screen.

Diagnostic Test Results

There are different results obtained after a vent blockage test is done and below are some of them:

  • End or Zero: This implies that the vent duct is entirely okay and not blocked.
  • Dc: It implies that the dryer’s drum is open. However, this means you need to carry out the test again, but you have to close the drum this time around.
  • CLg: The dryer’s duct is clogged and cannot function properly. There are different percentages of clogging that could appear on your screen. For example, it may range from C8/C80( 80% clogged) to C9/C90( 90% blocked) and more or less. 
  • C1 or CL1: You need to remove some clothing from your dryer. But, just as we’ve mentioned earlier, the drum must be utterly free before running the test.
  • C+: This means that the internal temperature of the dryer is too low or too high. You will have to redo the test again.

The test results will be on the screen for about 5 minutes and then automatically disappear. Also, you can press the power button to turn it off if you cannot wait for the auto time.

This feature creates excellent convenience for the users of these appliances, allowing them to record the results if they’d want.

How do I Know If My Dryer Moisture Sensor Is Bad?

The primary way to know if your dryer moisture is damaged is if it’s still working after the clothes are dried or not running when they are wet.

Also, you’d find out some other signs when you notice a burning smell in your dry setting moisture.

Figuring out whether your dryer moisture is faulty is relatively easy to know.

This is because, with the tests you’ve carried out on your dryer setting moisture sensor, you can see whether it’s working well or not. 

Can You Bypass The Moisture Sensor On A Samsung Dryer?

Yes, you can bypass the Samsung moisture sensor.  However, this is a hazardous activity and should only be done to troubleshoot a malfunctioning dryer.

This is because, without a setting moisture sensor in a dryer, high heat would be generated, leading to a fire outbreak.

Thus, you need to protect your life, family, and properties from that avoidable risk.

Additionally, if bypassing a Samsung dryer moisture sensor is required to troubleshoot a dryer, it shouldn’t be done by a layman. Hence, it should be done only by a professional technician.

This is because trying to resolve these problems yourself would only create additional risks of damage.


We are assured that you now know well enough about the Samsung dryer moisture sensor, how to check it and run a  test on it, things to look out for to know if your Samsung dryer sensor is damaged, and the effects of bypassing your dryer’s setting moisture sensor, and more.

Also, it is essential to constantly observe your Samsung moisture sensor, to notice and solve any problems they may have as soon as possible before they escalate to prevent much spending and to reduce the effort in repairing them.

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